Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike

Nukleosinteza velikega poka

Nukleosinteza velikega poka je teorija, ki razloži, kako in v kakšnem številu so nastala prvotna jedra po velikem poku. V prvem delu članka bomo predstavili teorijo in njene napovedi. V drugem delu pa bomo prikazali meritve in njihove rezultate primerjal z napovedmi. Na koncu pa bomo izpostavili še danes nerešen problem in možne, a še nepotrjene rešitve.

Big Bang nucleosynthesis

Big Bang nucleosynthesis is a theory that explains how the first nuclei after the Big Bang were made and what were their primordial abundances. In the first half of the article we will explain the theory and its predictions. In the second half we will present the measurements and compare the results with the predictions of the theory. At the end we will also touch on the still unsolved problem of the theory and some possible solutions.