Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike


V članku je predstavljena magnetohidrodinamika; model plazme, ki daje makroskopski opis, kjer plazmo obravnavamo kot eno samo prevodno tekočino. V prvem delu članek predstavi idealno, disipativno in relativistično magnetohidrodinamiko. Sledi opis trka težkih ionov in vzrokov za nastanek elektromagnetnega polja v kvark gluonski plazmi. Nazadnje pa je opisan postopek izračuna elektromagnetnega polja ter prikazan rezultat, kako se obnaša magnetnopolje v vakumu in ob prisotnosti prevodnega medija.


The paper presents magnetohydrodynamics; a model of plasma, which provides a macroscopic description, where plasma is considered as a single, conducting fluid. In the first part, the article presents the ideal, dissipative, and relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. Then the collision of heavy ions is described and what causes the electromagnetic field in the quark-gluon plasma. Finally, the procedure for calculating the electromagnetic field is presented and the result of how the magnetic field behaves in a vacuum and in the presence of a conductive medium is shown.