Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike

Gugalnični mehanizmi

Nevtrini so delci, ki so jih fiziki prvič napovedali ob študiju razpadov β. Še pred 20 leti se je predpostavljalo, da je nevtrino brezmasni delec, a novejši poskusi kažejo, da temu ni tako. Članek obravnava Higgsov mehanizem, s katerim je moč ugotoviti, od kod nevtirinom masa. Poleg tega se bo obravnavalo, kako leptoni dobijo maso v standardnem modelu.

Seesaw mechanisms

Neutrinos are particles which were first hypothesised during the study of β-decays. It was since thought that they were massless, although recent discoveries have shown the neutrino must have mass. In this paper, a possible origin of the neutrino mass via the Higgs mechanism will be discussed. Along the way, an explanation will be given for the lepton masses in the standard model.