Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Članek predstavlja teoretične izračune in meritve anomalnega magnetnega momenta miona (aμ). Sprva je anomalni magnetni moment miona definiran. Nato so opisani prispevki standardnega modela k aμ. Sledi predstavitev eksperimentov, ki so in bodo izmerili aμ, ter razprava o vzrokih odstopanja med teorijo in eksperimentom. Na koncu so omenjeni prispevki nove fizike kot rešitev omenjenega odstopanja.
In this article theoretical calculations and measurements of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (aμ) are presented. First muon anomalous magnetic moment is defined. Then the Standard model contributions to aμ are described, followed by the presentation of experiments that measure aμ. Next, the discrepancy between theory and experiment is discussed. In conclusion, some of the new physics proposals that could solve mentioned discrepancy are considered.