Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike


Vse elementarne delce lahko razvrstimo v dva razreda: fermione in bozone. Anyoni ne sodijo ne v enega ne v drugega. Njihova definirajoča lastnost je poljubna (angl. any) faza, ki jo pridobi valovna funkcija pri menjavi dveh delcev. Slednja torej ni niti simetrična niti antisimetrična glede na zamenjavo obeh delcev. Tovrstni pojav ni možen v trirazsežnem prostoru, temveč ga lahko opazimo šele, ko je gibanje elektronov omejeno na dve dimenziji, saj je, kot se izkaže, kvantna statistika odraz topologije svetovnic. Eksperimentalno je najzanimivejši t.i. kvantni Hallov pojav, ki je vzpodbudil teoretično zanimanje za anyonske kvazidelce, z obstojem katerih ga je mogoče pojasniti. V članku obravnavamo koncepte, ki so ključni za razumevanje tega pojava, in zaključimo z opisom nedavne eksperimentalne potrditve anyonov.


All elementary particles can be classified into two categories: fermions and bosons. Anyons do not belong to either of these categories. Their defining characteristic is an arbitrary phase, referred to as ”any”, acquired by the wave function when two particles are exchanged. Consequently, the wave function is neither symmetric nor antisymmetric with respect to the interchange of both particles. Such a phenomenon is not possible in three-dimensional space. However, it can be observed when the motion of electrons is confined to two dimensions, as quantum statistics in this case becomes a reflection of the topology of worldlines. The most intriguing experimental phenomenon is the so-called quantum Hall effect, which has stimulated theoretical interest in anyonic quasi-particles, whose existence can explain this effect. In the article, we explore the key concepts crucial for understanding this phenomenon and conclude with a description of recent experimental confirmation of anyons.