Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Članek obravnava osnovne načine vodenja žarkov nabitih delcev v pospeševalnikih. Izhajajoč iz Lorentzove sile bom predstavil koncept idealne poti in enačbe gibanja delcev v transverzalnih smereh okoli nje. Predstavil bom matrični formalizem za transformacije žarka v prisotnosti magnetnega polja. Na kratko bom opisal delovanje pospe- ševalnika SuperKEKB.
The article discusses the basic methods of management Beamline in accelerators. Starting from the Lorentz force I introduce the concept of ideal path and the equations of motion of particles in the transverse directions around it. I present a matrix formalism for the transformation of the beam in the presence of a magnetic field and briefly describe the accelerator SuperKEKB.