Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike

Nukleosinteza po velikem poku

Nukleosinteza po velikem poku opisuje nastanek lahkih jeder - 2H, 3He, 4He in 7Li - iz nevtronov in protonov v zgodnjem vesolju. V članku je najprej opisana teorija nastanka teh jeder, sledijo ji napovedi njihovih masnih delžev, ki izhajajo iz matematičnega opisa, in naposled primerjava le-teh z najnovejšimi meritvami s tega področja ter ugotavljanje veljavnosti opisane teorije.

Big bang nucleosynthesis

Big Bang nucleosynthesis describes the production of light nuclei - 2H, 3He, 4He and 7Li - from neutrons and protons during the early phases of the Universe. The article first describes the theory of the formation of these nuclei, followed by predictions of their mass fractions, which are derived from a mathematical description of the topic, and finally a comparison of these with the latest measurements in this field, as well as establishing the validity of the described theory.