Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Nevtrini so osnovni delci narave in nastopajo v različnih procesih fizike delcev. Glede na Standardni Model (SM) naj bi bili nevtrini brezmasni. Ta del modela je v zadnjih desetletjih ovrglo veliko število eksperimentov, ki opazujejo nevtrine. Ti poskusi so nakazali fiziko onkraj Standardnega Modela. V prvem delu članka se osredotočimo na teorijo nevtrinskih oscilacij in predstavimo različne procese, pri katerih nastanejo nevtrini. Teorijo nato v drugem delu primerjamo z različnimi eksperimenti. Za konec opišemo še izzive, s katerimi se bodo soočili prihajajoči nevtrinski eksperimenti.
Neutrinos are fundemental particles of nature and are present in many processes in particle physics. According to the Standard Model (SM), neutrinos should be massless. In the last few decades this part of the model has been disproven by many experiments which observe neutrinos.These experiments have indicated physics beyond the Standard Model. In the first part of the paper we focus on the theory of neutrino oscillations and present some processes through which neutrinos are created. In the second part we compare the theory with different experiments. We end the paper by explaining the challenges the coming neutrino experiments will face.