Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Pena je disperzija mehurčkov plina v kapljevini. V članku so predstavljene glavne fizikalne značilnosti in uporaba pen. Opisani sta deformacija mehurčka pod vplivom točkaste sile ter teorija Morsa in Wittna. Razložena je obravnava mehurčka pod vplivom več sil z minimizacijo energije, rezultati pa so primerjani z napovedmi teorije Morsa in Wittna. Nazadnje so omenjene prave pene in prikazani nekateri alternativni modeli interakcij med mehurčki.
Foam is a dispersion of gas bubbles in a liquid. In this article, the applications of foams and their main physical properties are presented. Deformation of a bubble under the action of a point force is discussed and the Morse-Witten theory is introduced. Deformation of the bubble under the action of multiple forces is calculated by minimizing the energy and compared with the predictions of the Morse-Witten theory. Finally, real foams are discussed and a few alternative models of the interaction between bubbles are presented.