Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
V članku bodo predstavljeni magneto-aktivni elastomeri ter nastanek površinskih struktur v zunanjem magnetnem polju. Opisano bo grobo zrnato modeliranje magneto-aktivnih elastomerov s simulacijo po principu molekularne dinamike. Nato bodo predstavljene optične metode za preučevanje površine in rezultati meritev hrapavosti ter časovnega odziva snovi. Z obravnavo različnih vzorcev bo določena optimalna sestava za največjo spremembo hrapavosti v prisotnosti magnetnega polja.
This article introduces magneto-active elastomers and investigates the formulation of surface morphologies in the presence of an external magnetic field. The first part of the article describes coarse-grained modelling of magneto-active elastomers by means of molecular dynamics simulation. In the second part, optical methods for surface studies are presented, followed by measurements of surface roughness and time response of material. Finally, several samples are compared in order to determine optimal material composition for tunable surface roughness in presence of magnetic field.