Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
LHCb je eden izmed štirih detektorjev, ki so postavljeni na Velikem hadronskem trkalniku. Članek obravnava, kakšne eksperimente na njem izvajajo in kako detektor deluje. Za izvedbo naslednje generacije eksperimentov in za povečanje vzorca podatkov bodo raziskovalci v CERN-u pospeševalnik nadgradili, za kar pa bo potrebna tudi nadgradnja merilnih naprav. V članku predstavljamo sestavne dele LHCb spektrometra s poudarkom na njegovih nadgradnjah.
LHCb is one of the four detectors placed on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This article deals with the experiments carried out on LHCb and the functioning of the detector itself. In order to be able to conduct a new generation of experiments and to increase sample data the accelerator is to be upgraded, which will require an update of the measuring systems as well. The article presents the components of the LHCb spectrometer, focusing on its upgrades.