Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Predstavljeni so kvazidelci z lastnostmi, podobnimi lastnostim magnetnih monopolov kot hipotetični osnovni delci. Kvazidelci nastanejo kot prve vzbuditve v kristalu spinskega ledu. Najprej so opisane lastnosti hipotetičnega magnetnega monopola. Sledi matematični opis osnovnega stanja sistema spinskega ledu in primerjava z vodnim ledom. Nato so opisane prve vzbuditve, njihova povezava z magnetnimi monopoli in merljive lastnosti, ki izhajajo iz takega opisa.
Quasiparticles with properties reminding that of the hypothetical magnetic monopole are presented. Quasiparticles emerge as the first excitations in a crystal of spin ice. First the properties of the hypothetical magnetic monopole in vacuum are described. A mathematical description of the ground state and its comparison to water ice follows. Finally a description of the first excitation, its connection to the magnetic monopoles and the measurable properties that arise from such description is given