Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
V članku bo predstavljeno odkritje prvega pulzarjo in kateri mehanizem nam omogoča njihovo opazovanje. Iz znane periode pulziranja je s pomočjo določenih lastnosti pulzarjev mogoče izračunati količine, ki so za opis zvezd pomembne. Z uporabo modela svetilnika lahko razložimo, zakaj pulzarji oddajajo elektromagnetno valovanje, ki ga je mogoče detektirati. Za spremljanje razvoja pulzarja od rojstva do smrti ali celo ponovnega rojstva kot milisekundni pulzar si pomagamo s $P\dot{P}$ diagramom. Ta nam iz znane periode pulziranja in njenega spreminjanja omogoča opis “življenja” pulzarja. Pulzar v Rakovici, katerega točno starost poznamo, nam bo v članku služil kot orodje za preverjanje in izračun enačb.
In this article first pulsar discovery is presented and what is the mechanism that enables us to observe them. Knowing a pulse period and some of pulsar’s important properties, one can calculate the important quantities that are essential to describe a star. We use the lighthouse model to explain why pulsars emit electromagnetic radiation which enables us to detect them. $P\dot{P}$ diagram is a tool that helps us study the birth, life and death of a pulsar or even the rebirth as a millisecond pulsar. It enables us to follow a life of a star from a know pulse period and its changing. The Crab pulsar with its precisely known age will be helping us test the equations from a known pulse period and its time derivative.