Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike

Mehanska detekcija signala magnetne resonance

V članku predstavimo metodo mehanske detekcije signala magnetne resonance z mikroskopom na atomsko silo. V prvem poglavju razložimo fizikalne temelje magnetne resonance, ki predstavlja vir merjenega signala. V drugem poglavju se posvetimo fizikalnemu ozadju mehanske detekcije, njenim prednostim (in slabostim) v primerjavi z običajno induktivno detekcijo, nakažemo postopek rekonstrukcije slike iz signala in izpostavimo eksperiment, ki priča o potencialni široki uporabnosti metode tudi v drugih vejah znanosti.

Mechanical detection of magnetic resonance signal

We present a magnetic resonance imaging technique based on the measurement of magnetic force acting between a magnetic tip and the resonantly excited spins in the sample. In the first chapter we explain the physical background of magnetic resonance. In the second chapter we present the physical principles of mechanical detection and introduce its pros and cons in comparison to inductive detection. We also describe the image reconstruction procedure and present an interesting interdisciplinary experiment.