Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Članek predstavlja kršitev simetrije CP, ki je potrebna, da nastane svet, v katerem prevladuje snov in ne antisnov. Sprva je opisan razvoj vesolja vse od velikega poka naprej, ko je bilo snovi in antisnovi enako. Sledi predstavitev opazovanj, ki kažejo nadvlado snovi. Nato je Kršitve simetrije CP razložena s pomočjo Sakharovih pogojev. Na koncu je opisan eksperiment Belle, čigar rezultati so pripomogli k potrditvi kršitve simetrije CP.
This article presents the CP violation, which is necessary for the creation of a world, where matter dominates antimatter. Initially, evolution of the universe since the Big Bang, when matter and antimatter were in equal amounts, is described, followed by the presentation of observations, which show the domination of matter. Later on CP violation is explained, using the Sakharov conditions. In conclusion, the Belle experiment is discussed, as its results have contributed to confirmation of CP violation.