Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike

Higgsov mehanizem

V članku je predstavljen Higgsov mehanizem, ki opisuje generiranje mase osnovnih delcev. Vpeljan je Lagrangeov formalizem, s katerim se obravnavajo zvezna skalarna in vektorska polja. Zatem je na primeru feromagneta prikazan spontani zlom simetrije, ki je prisoten tudi pri Higgsovem mehanizmu. V poglavjih Goldstoneov teorem in Higgsov mehanizem v umeritveni U(1) teoriji je nato opisan teoretični model Higgsovega mehanizma. Na koncu so navedene mase šibkih umeritvenih bozonov in Higgsovega bozona znotraj standardnega modela (SM) osnovnih delcev in sil.

The Higgs mechanism

In this article the Higgs mechanism is presented, which describes generation of mass of elementary particles. The Lagrange formalism, with which the continuous scalar and vector fields are considered, is introduced. Then the spontaneos symetry breaking, which is also present within the Higgs mechanism, is shown on an example of a ferromagnet. The theoretical model of the Higgs mechanism is described later. At the end, the masses of the weak gauge bosons and the Higgs boson in the standard model (SM) are mentioned.