Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Obravnavamo problem Elitzur-Vaidmanovih bomb. V veliki množici namišljenih bomb je na vsako pritrjen svetlobni senzor, ki sproži bombo že ob zadetku enega fotona. Predpostavimo, da so nekatere bombe defektne, zato jih želimo ločiti od delujočih, ne da bi le-te sprožili. Najprej predstavimo Mach-Zehnderjev interferometer in osnovno shemo brezinterakcijskega merjenja, s katerima nam bo uspelo prepoznati 1/3 vseh delujočih bomb. Nato z uporabo Zenonovega pojava izboljšamo učinkovitost merjenja. Nazadnje še predstavimo eksperiment brezinterakcijskega “slikanja” in rezultate.
This article presents the Elitzur–Vaidman bomb-testing problem. We imagine a large group of imaginary bombs, which have a light sensor. If it is hit by a photon it sets off the bomb. Some bombs are defective. We are trying to find out which one still work without setting them off. Firstly, we describe Mach-Zehnder interferometer and the basic design for interaction-free measurement, with which we successfully recognize 1/3 of the working bombs. Then we improve the efficiency of our measurements by introducing the Zeno effect. Finally, we look at the interaction-free “imaging” experiment and interpret the results.