Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Kadar termoelektrični pojav v trdnih snoveh ni zanemarljiv sta transporta naboja in toplote medsebojno povezana. To vpliva tudi na obravnavo difuzije in jo je v tem primeru potrebno formulirati v matrični obliki. Elemente difuzijske matrike povežemo s transportnimi koeficienti in dobimo posplošeno Nernst-Einsteinovo zvezo. Izven-diagonalni element, ki dolo\v{c}a jakost sklopitve med difuzijo naboja in toplote, je podan z razliko med Seebeckovim koeficientom in njegovo Kelvinovo aproksimacijo.
When the thermoelectric phenomenon in solid is not negligible, the transport of charge and heat are mutually connected. This also influences the diffusion, requiring it to be formulated in matrix form in this case. The elements of the diffusion matrix are linked to transport coefficients, resulting in a generalized Nernst-Einstein relation. The off-diagonal element, which determines the strength of coupling between charge and heat diffusion, is determined by the difference between the Seebeck coefficient and its Kelvin approximation.