Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Članek služi kot pregled različnih kozmoloških simulacij nastanka galaksij in metod, ki jih simulacije uporabljajo. V uvodu opiše širši kontekst odkritja drugih galaksij in širjenja vesolja ter posledičen začetek kozmologije, potem pa predstavi pomen simulacij za to področje in različne načine, kako se raziskovalne skupine čimbolj optimizirano spopadajo z ogromnim številom delcev in veliko procesi, ki jih morajo opisovati. Razloži osnovno strukturo simulacij: kozmološki model, začetne pogoje in ključne sestavine, kot so barionska snov, temna snov in temna energija. Za preglednost članek predstavi tudi enačbe preproste simulacije temne snovi, v zaključku pa navede dosedanje rezultate kozmoloških simulacij in cilje prihodnjih simulacij.
This work serves as an overview of various cosmological simulations of galaxy formation and the methods used by these simulations. In the introduction, article describes the discovery of other galaxies and the expansion of the universe and the consequent birth of cosmology. It presents the importance of simulations for this field of astrophysics and various ways in which research groups deal with a huge number of particles and many processes they have to describe as efficiently as possible. It explains the basic structure of cosmological simulations: cosmological model, initial conditions and key ingredients such as baryonic matter, dark matter, and dark energy. For clarity, the article also presents a simple example on dark matter and in the conclusion it states the results of cosmological simulations to date and the goals of future simulations we have yet to achieve.