Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike

Kvantni denar

V kvantni mehaniki srečamo nekatere fizikalne pojave, ki jih iz klasične fizike nismo vajeni. Čeprav čudna, nam takšna nova fizika omogoča razvoj tehnologij, ki v okviru klasične fizike ne bi bile mogoče. Takšen primer je izrek o prepovedi kloniranja, ki predstavlja teoretično osnovo za veliko družino kvantnih kriptografskih protokolov. V okviru tega članka preletimo osnovne koncepte kvantne informacijske teorije, izpeljemo in dokažemo izrek o prepovedi kloniranja ter z njegovo pomočjo teoretično varno rešimo problem ponarejanja denarja. Vpeljani kriptografski protokol se imenuje kvantni denar. V okviru članka komentiramo tudi nekatere njegove nadgradnje.

Quantum money

In quantum mechanics, we encounter some physical phenomena that are unfamiliar from classical physics. However strange, this new physics enables us to develop technologies that would not be possible within the framework of classical physics. One such example is the no-cloning theorem, which provides the theoretical foundation for a large family of quantum cryptographic protocols. In this article, we review the basic concepts of quantum information theory, derive and prove the no-cloning theorem, and use it to solve the problem of counterfeiting money under the principles of unconditional security. The introduced cryptographic protocol is known as quantum money. In this article, we also comment on some of its upgrades.