Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Opazovanje razvoja dogodkov v živih celicah je ključnega pomena za razvoj medicine in biologije, zato ta članek opisuje zajem takih posnetkov v prostoru in času oz. v 4D. Ker slikanje pogosto temelji na uporabi fluorescenčnih mikroskopov, se članek v prvem delu osredotoča na pojav fluorescence in osnove mikroskopije, v drugem delu pa na dve novi metodi fluorescenčne mikroskopije, ki omogočata hitro in natančno slikanje celotne debeline vzorca.
The observation of processes inside of living cells is key to the further development of medicine and biology. This article examines the techinques needed to capture such images in space and time, in other words in 4D. This type of imaging depends on fluorescent microscopes, so the first half of the article focuses on fluorescence and the basics of microscopy. In the second half it examines two new methods of fluorescent microscopy, which enables us to take faster and more precise images through the whole sample.