Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Tensegriteta je zloženka besed tension in integrity (napetost in integriteta). Gre za ogrodja iz dveh vrst elementov (kablov in opornikov, ki so povezani z vozlišči), ki ne zadoščajo Maxwellovemu pogoju za trdnost, a imajo kljub temu trdno strukturo. Predstavili bomo dve metodi iskanja tensegritet in njuni prednosti in slabosti.
Tensegrity is a neologism derived from the words tension and integrity. It is an umbrella term for constructions made from two sets of elements (relevant for this paper from cables and struts, connected with joints), which don’t abide by Maxwell’s condition for stiffness, but are nonetheless structurally sound. I will present two form-finding methods, along with their advantages and disadvantages.