Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike

Nevtrini iz vesolja

V članku bom predstavila splošne lastnosti nevtrinov. Opisala bom, kje in kako nastajajo. Sledi opis problema Sončevih nevtrinov, ki so ga razrešili s teorijo nevtrinskih oscilacij. Na koncu bom razložila še metode detektiranja nevtrinov in se dotaknila pomena raziskovanja nevtrinov.

Neutrinos from space

First I will present the basic characteristics of neutrino particles and describe where and how they are created. I will continue with the description of the Solar neutrino problem which has been solved with the theory of neutrino oscillations. Finally I will describe the methods of detecting neutrinos and show the point of exploring neutrinos.