Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike
Članek vsebuje opis jedrskih reakcij v zvezdah ter kako in pod kakšnimi pogoji ti procesi potekajo. Jedrnato je povezana evolucija zvezd z reakcijami v njihovi notranjosti. Članek je osredotočen tudi na pogostnost pojavljanja elementov v vesolju in razloge za njihove nastanke. Obravnavani so tudi elementi, ki niso rezultat zlivanja jeder, temveč zajema nevtronov.
The article includes a description of nuclear reactions in stars and how and under what conditions these processes take place. The evolution of stars is concise associated with reactions in their interior. The article also focused on the frequency of occurrence of elements in the universe and the reasons for their occurrence. Also discussed are the elements which are not the result of fusion of nuclei, but capture of neutrons.