Izbrane teme sodobne fizike in matematike

Vitalijeva nemerljiva množica

Članek podrobno obravnava uporabo Lebesgueove mere za določanje mer podmnožic realnih števil, pri čemer naslavlja problematiko Vitalijeve nemerljive množice, ki v tradicionalnih teorijah merjenja ustvari protislovje, če jo predpostavimo za merljivo. Temeljito preučuje merljive in nemerljive množice, σ-algebre in razlikovanje med Borelovimi in Lebesgueovimi merljivimi množicami. Poudarek je na identifikaciji nemerljivih množic, ki niso Borelove, kar nadgradi razumevanje teorije merjenja v matematičnih prostorih.

Vitali non-measurable set

This article delves into the Lebesgue measure’s application to define measures for subsets of real numbers, addressing the introduction of Vitali’s non-measurable set, which creates a contradiction under traditional measurement theories if assumed measurable. It thoroughly examines measurable and non-measurable sets, σ-algebras, and the differentiation between Borel and Lebesgue measurable sets. The emphasis is on the identification of non-Borel measurable sets, advancing the understanding of measurement theory in mathematical spaces.